

In the area of Consulting Liamec Trading Ltd provides assistance to its customers to the following areas of Services:

  • Preparation of Dossiers for Registration in EU
  • Consultation for sourcing Contract Manufacturing (CMOs) for producing Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics and Parapharmaceutical Products
  • Registration procedures of Pharmaceutical Products within the EU


Liamec Trading Ltd is providing in the Marketing area, supervising and preparation for its customers for the effective Marketing and Launching of products. The marketing structure offered provides the following services:

  • Preparation of Business Plans for successful launching of products
  • Market Analysis of the Territories for which the customer is interested
  • SWOT analysis for specific targeted markets based on the needs of the customers
  • Market Research for Pharmaceutical Products and services based on the international cooperation with Established Firms around the Globe

Sales and Distribution

Liamec Trading Ltd Created a wide chain of cooperation in the areas of Pharmaceuticals and Parapharmaceuticals and specific consumer goods from the first year of operation.

It is specialized in the following fields:

  • Finished Dosages Forms Generics
  • Liamec Trading Ltd sells prescription generic products and over the counter pharmaceutical products in various territories. As part of the development model, some of the products are co—developed in collaboration with major pharmaceutical developers in Europe, India and China. The products offered cover various therapeutic categories like Cardiovascular, Central Nervous System, Oncology, and Diabetes.
  • At the same time, it is licensed with official Wholesales certification from the Cyprus authorities and with the logistics and storage facilities it maintains can easily sell and distribute products keeping all the safety and harmonized procedure implemented from the EU authorities.

APls, Chemicals and Hospital products

Liamec Trading Ltd is sourcing and distributes through its facilities in Cyprus a variety of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and excipients.

Liamec Trading Ltd is sourcing and distributes through its facilities in Cyprus a variety of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and excipients.

Especially in the pharmaceutical active ingredients, Liamec Trading Ltd holds cooperation with major drug companies from India. China, and Europe.

it distributes also :

  • Coatings
  • Intermediates
  • Cosmetics and Personal Care products